Top 10k strings from Adventure Builder System (1987)(Alpha-Omega Software)(Side A)[re-release].tzx
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6 ((DAN-j)+(y*np)),z 6 (((DAN-npp)+(y*np)+x)),n 6 (((DAN-npp)+(y*np)+x)), 4 b,n;"Enter the number of letters to be used to determine a match between input and database" 4 ak,af;"3 and 7" 4 ai,aa;"Enter a value between"; 4 ah,a;"If none have been included in the DATA lines yet then ENTER ""0"" for the moment." 4 COUNT=COUNT+ 4 ;" ALPHA OMEGA SOFTWARE " 4 ;" ADVENTURE BUILDER SYSTEM " 4 (STARN/s): 4 "66",az,m,j,av, 4 "229",al,av,n,e,bg,j,q, 4 "191",a,e,b,az, 3 voice from the depths of the 3 cupboard saying "TOSS a BOX from 3 As you open it you hear a quiet 3 ;" NOW LOADING " 3 "ADVENTURE" 3 T.D.FROST " 2 z<(af+TERM) 2 y=(MCOB+j) 2 x$+TERM+ae 2 w,ac;" VERB-CHECK LENGTH " 2 w,ac;" THE SCROLL FACTOR " 2 w,ac;" NOUN-CHECK LENGTH " 2 r,r,g,b,r, 2 q,be,bh,m,bk,av, 2 q,be,bh,m,ae,av, 2 q,be,bh,j,n,n,q,l,as,q, 2 q,af,r,m,a,av, 2 q,PRSPL,PRSPM,q, 2 q,PRESL,PRESM,i,n,n,r,j,g,ar,e,aa, 2 o$(y+MOB-MCOB)=b$ 2 o$((MOB),LL) 2 no=no-MOB: 2 n;"those which have been included." 2 n;" the adventure?" 2 n;" must be entered" 2 n$((MOB+NON+ap),nl) 2 m,al,u,m,ppa,u,m,an,u,m,br,u,m,SP,r,n,bg,ax,m,d,u,c,bh,o 2 m,ai,u,q,be,bh,m,al,u,m,ppa,u,o 2 m$=m$+z$(yy 2 m$=m$+z$(( 2 m$-(LM-a)) 2 j,ba,n,q,l,as,al,av,n,e,bg,j,q, 2 j,ac;" ADVENTURE BUILDER ": 2 i,bd,az,ax,m,ar, 2 c,n;"To have these sections printed starting at left of the screen:- ENTER ""0""" 2 c,n;" If there is a need to restart this program after a BREAK then"; 2 c,b;" Nearly ready! " 2 b,w;"WAIT....DATA being collated" 2 b,n;"What will permanent screen valuefor BRIGHT be? Enter ""0"" or "; 2 b,n;"In which LOCATION number does the ADVENTURE begin?" 2 b,n;"Enter number of VERBS, "; 2 b,n;"Enter ""L"" to LIST program or any other letter to generate CODE."; 2 b,n;"ENTER the number of LOCATIONS in the ADVENTURE. (Maximum of 255)" 2 b,n;"ENTER number of objects which will change description during the adventure (eg A TORCH and A lit TORCH)"''" If this is not applicable then enter ""0""" 2 b,n;"ENTER maximum length of object description which will be printed on screen." 2 b,n;"ENTER MAXIMUM number of OBJECTS which can be carried." 2 b,n;"A. For normal SPECTRUM effect." 2 b,n;" ENTER number of OTHER WORDS which you wish the programme to recognise." 2 b,n;" Before the BASIC listing and CODE are LOADED "; 2 b,b;"SAVING..." 2 b,a;"Now prepare to save to tape. Press any key when ready." 2 b,a;"How many routine REPORTS?" 2 b,a;"How many REPORT messages which will "; 2 b,a;"Enter the colour number (0-7) for the permanent background." 2 b,a;"ENTER total number of OBJECTS which could form part of the ADVENTURER'S Inventory" 2 am,ac;" How many lines? " 2 al,av,n,e,bg,j,q, 2 aj,n;"C. Option to select a permanent number of lines to remain stationary on screen." 2 ai,aa;"Else ENTER ""S"" to STOP." 2 ai,aa;" More than halfway now! " 2 ah,n;"To have these sections printed centrally on the screen:- ENTER ""1""" 2 ah,n;"Maximum length is 32.": 2 ah,aa;"Sorry! That's too many!": 2 ag,a;"If uncertain then ENTER ""s"" to STOP." 2 af,n;"B. For scroll to be effective after the printing of the ""Here you can see"" section." 2 ae,ad;"""Inventory list""" 2 ad,ai;"and"; 2 ac,n;"If ALL DATA has been entered in the appropriate lines, then PRESS ENTER to generate the ADVENTURE SYSTEM CODE." 2 ab,j;"For screen scrolling effect select one of the following:-" 2 ab,ad;"""Here you can see"""; 2 a;"excluding"; 2 a;"TERMINATE"; 2 a;" CLEAR ";SAVE-1 2 a;" USE GOTO 1....NOT ""RUN""" 2 a loft to end this absurdity"A 2 VERB 0 to 8 DATA 2 TRNO=DMOV-ao 2 TRNO,MPRHY: 2 TRNO+w,LPRCAR 2 TRNO+j,LPRHY 2 TRNO+b,SYSM: 2 TRNO+ae,SYSL 2 TRNO+ad,PRMSL 2 TRNO+ac,PRMSM: 2 TRNO+a,MPRCAR: 2 SYSL=SYS-s*SYSM 2 SYS=PRIN-ar 2 SYS=PRIN-24 2 SYS+an,SCRM 2 SYS+am,SCRL: 2 SYS+af,PRMSM 2 SYS+ae,PRMSL: 2 STARN=LOCN-w 2 SSCL=SSC-s*SSCM 2 SSC=SCR+an 2 SCRO=aq-SCRO 2 SCRL=SCR-s*SCRM 2 SCR=PRNID-as 2 SCR+an,SCRO 2 SAVEL=SAVE-s* 2 SAVEL,SAVEM,MAX,MOB,LENL,LENM,PBSL,PBSM,DMOVL,DMOVM,LTRNO,MTRNO,LPRIN,MPRIN 2 SAVE=LO-ab: 2 SA=PRMS-95 2 QUIT=PRMS+108 2 PRSPL=PRSP-(PRSPM*s) 2 PRSP=SYS-as 2 PROL=PRO-s* 2 PRO=OBJD-m 2 PRO+j,PBSL: 2 PRO+av,PBsM 2 PRO+ag,MOBJD 2 PRO+af,LOBJD: 2 PRO+a,PBSM 2 PRNOD=PRO-( 2 PRNOD+j,al: 2 PRNOD+ac,bri 2 PRNOD+ac+x, 2 PRNOD+ab,an: 2 PRNOD+aa,in: 2 PRNOD+a,pa: 2 PRNID=PRNOD-( 2 PRNID+j,al: 2 PRNID+ac,bri 2 PRNID+ac+x, 2 PRNID+ab,an: 2 PRNID+aa,in: 2 PRNID+a,pa: 2 PRMSL=PRMS-s*PRMSM 2 PRMS=MESDD- 2 PRMS+ar,SCRM 2 PRMS+aq,SCRL: 2 PRMS+ac,MMESD 2 PRMS+ab,LMESD: 2 PRINT RESPONSE 2 PRINT M/C RESPONSE 2 PRINT LOCN DESCRIPTION 2 PRIN=TRNO-COUNT: 2 PRIN+ae,STARN-s* 2 PRHY=PRES- 2 PRHY+e,MPRNID 2 PRHY+d,LPRNID: 2 PRHY+ao,PROM 2 PRHY+an,PROL: 2 PRHY+ad,HYCD-s* 2 PRESL=PRES-s*PRESM 2 PRES=PRSP-c 2 PRCAR=HYCD-av 2 PRCAR+x,z: 2 PRCAR+f,LPRNOD: 2 PRCAR+aq,PROM 2 PRCAR+ap,PROL: 2 PRCAR+af,CARD-s* 2 PBSL=PBS-s* 2 OTHER VERB DATA 2 OTHER NOUNS 2 OBJECTS which CHANGE 2 OBJD=CARD-COUNT 2 OBJ ORIG LOCATION 2 NN=MOB+NON+ap 2 MOVEMENT DATA 2 MESDD=MESD 2 MESD=SCR-COUNT: 2 MESD=MESD+j 2 MESD=MESD+ 2 MESD+j,MIN 2 MARL=MAR-s*MARM 2 LTRNO=TRNO-s* 2 LPRNOD=PRNOD-s* 2 LPRNID=PRNID-s* 2 LPRIN=PRIN-s* 2 LPRHY=PRHY-s* 2 LPRCAR=PRCAR-s* 2 LOCN=PRIN+k 2 LOCN=LOCN+w 2 LOCN+j,MDAT: 2 LOCN+a,LDAT 2 LOCD=LOCN+(NOR*w)+a 2 LOCD=LOCD+ 2 LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS 2 LOBJD=OBJD-s* 2 LMESD=MESD-s*MMESD 2 LENL=LEN-s* 2 LDAT=LOCD-s* 2 INPUT AND ANALYSIS 2 HYCD=PRHY-( 2 HYCD+j,al: 2 HYCD+ac,bri 2 HYCD+ac+x, 2 HYCD+ab,an: 2 HYCD+aa,in: 2 HYCD+a,pa: 2 GOTO vb SUBROUTINE 2 GO N S L 2 DMOVL=DMOV-s* 2 DMOV=DAN-(NOR*ad)-ab 2 DATA ( 2 DAN=DAV-(NN*np)-ab 2 COAT TORCHBOX SPADEKEY WOOD DIAMO NORTHSOUTHEAST WEST UP DOWN N S E W U D LOOK L R LIST I INVENQUIT STOP SAVE LOAD DOOR CUPBOLAWN STAIRLADDEGATE HOLE GARDEFIELDSAFE PATCHJUMP DIG ON OFF B 2 CARD=PRCAR-( 2 CARD+j,al: 2 CARD+ac,bri 2 CARD+ac+x, 2 CARD+ab,an: 2 CARD+aa,in: 2 CARD+a,pa: 2 BJD=BJD+ad+ 2 BJD+ac,bri 2 BJD+ab,an: 2 BJD+aa,in: 2 As you open it you hear a quiet voice from the depths of the cupboard saying "TOSS a BOX froma loft to end this absurdity"M 2 ANY SPECIALS? 2 ANY LOCKED OBSTACLES? 2 ;"THE CODE GENERATOR PROGRAM" 2 )="suitable tool!": 2 )="manage to do THAT, without a": 2 )="firmly CLOSED." 2 )="You can't do that." 2 )="OK..........You dig a HOLE!": 2 )="OK......": 2 )="Now just how are you going to": 2 )="Check your INVENTORY!": 2 (as+yy))+" 2 (MOB-MCOB) 2 (MOB+NON+ap) 2 (DMOV+(NOR* 2 (DAV+(vv*vp)), 2 (DAN+x)+((MOB-MCOB)*np), 2 (DAN+(NN*np)), 2 ((d-LL)/a) 2 ((MCOB*np)+j) 2 ((LM-j)*d) 2 ((DAV-j)+(y*vp)),z 2 (((DAV-vpp)+(y*vp)+x)),n 2 (((DAV-vpp)+(y*vp)+x)), 2 "NORTH",MOB+j,"SOUTH",MOB+a,"EAST",MOB+w,"WEST",MOB+aa,"UP",MOB+ab,"DOWN",MOB+ac,"N",MOB+j,"S",MOB+a,"E",MOB+w,"W",MOB+aa,"U",MOB+ab,"D",MOB+ac,"LOOK",bj,"L",bj,"R",bj,"LIST",bj,"I",bj,"INVENTORY",bj,"QUIT",bj,"STOP",bj,"SAVE",bj,"LOAD",bj 2 "GO",n,"N",n,"S",n,"E",n,"W",n,"U",n,"UP",n,"D",n,"GET",j,"TAKE",j,"DROP",a,"EXAMINE",w,"LOOK",aa,"L",aa,"R",aa,"INVENTORY",ab,"I",ab,"LIST",ab,"QUIT",ac,"STOP",ac,"SAVE",ad,"LOAD",b 2 "ABS MK 3" 2 "91",q,n,n,q,be,bh,q, 2 "91",q,PRMSL,PRMSM,q,be,bh,j,n,n,q,l,as,q, 2 "91",q,PRMSL,PRMSM,q,be,bh,j,n,n,q,l,as, 2 "91",q,PRMSL,PRMSM,q,be,bh,j,n,n,q,l,as 2 "91",q,PRMSL,PRMSM,o 2 "91",q,PRMSL,PRMSM,e, 2 "91",q,PRMSL,PRMSM 2 "91",m,j,bf,d,ac, 2 "91",ax,e,n,n,aj,n,bc,r,bi, 2 "89",bf,d, 2 "86",ab,q,ap,r,e,ba,N, 2 "78",bf,g, 2 "72",SSCL: 2 "68",az,m,b,av, 2 "66",bf,g, 2 "66",bf,d,ao,e, 2 "66",az,m,J,av, 2 "65368"-SAVE 2 "65078"+(MOB*aa),o 2 "65078"+(MOB*aa)+ab 2 "65078"+((MOB-j)*aa)) 2 "65072",BEG 2 "65012",NOR: 2 "65010",DMOVM 2 "65009",DMOVL: 2 "65"+(NOR*w) 2 "64997",(MOB+j) 2 "64982",MOB: 2 "64980",PBSM 2 "64979",PBSL: 2 "64972",MOB: 2 "64970",PBSM 2 "64969",PBSL: 2 "64960",(MOB+j): 2 "64944",MOB 2 "64942",PBSM 2 "64941",PBSL: 2 "64934",MOB: 2 "64932",PBSM 2 "64931",PBSL: 2 "64924",(MOB-MCOB): 2 "64903",MCOB: 2 "64866",nl 2 "64860",DAN-s* 2 "64827",vl: 2 "64821",DAV-s* 2 "64810",nl: 2 "64772",vl: 2 "64750",vl: 2 "64453",SCRO: 2 "64116"+x),z: 2 "64040"-(vv*vp) 2 "56",ab,ah, 2 "55",bc,u,ar, 2 "49",PBSL: 2 "45",m,w,q,g, 2 "45",i,ar,bh,q,g, 2 "45",e,n,n,ae,m,an,u,m,br,u, 2 "44",MARL: 2 "43",m,aa,av, 2 "36",MPRNOD 2 "34",r,m,j,av, 2 "3",b;" CENTRALISATION " 2 "29",m,ac,av, 2 "29",SCRL: 2 "28",SCRL: 2 "26",u,an,c,bh,o 2 "26",r,n,g,g,ax,e,n,n,aj,n,bc,r,bk,d,ab,ah, 2 "26",SCRL: 2 "253",q,be,bh,q,PRSPL,PRSPM,e,n,n,aw,f,bc,u,c,bh,q,PRESL,PRESM,q,n,n,r,n,d,am,q,n,n,q,PRSPL,PRSPM,e,n,n,aw,f,bc,u,c,bh,q,PRESL,PRESM,m,bk,o 2 "253",e,n,n,aw,f,bc,u,c,bh,q,PRESL,PRESM,q,n,n,r,n,d,am,q,n,n,q,PRSPL,PRSPM,e,n,n,aw,f,bc,u,c,bh 2 "247",q,PRESL,PRESM,an,ar, 2 "246",q,be,bh,m,j,av, 2 "243",q,n,n,q,PRSPL,PRSPM,f,bc,r,bk,g 2 "243",q,n,n,f,bc,r, 2 "239",aa,ak, 2 "211",e,n,n,bc,r,n,d,j,o,m,bk,o 2 "21",n;,,: 2 "21",b;" INVALID 2 "203",bh,q,n,n,m,ai,u,o 2 "197",q,be,bh, 2 "197",bh,av,n,n,o 2 "197",ac,n,q,n,aj, 2 "195",n,ar, 2 "195",PRMSL,PRMSM, 2 "194",aa,e, 2 "193",m,ai,u,c, 2 "192",m,aa,av,bd,az, 2 "191",a,e,b,az,m, 2 "181",w,j,n,n,q,l,as,q, 2 "181",w,ac,w, 2 "175",bf,d, 2 "175",av,k,az,aw,f, 2 "150",n,m,bk,q, 2 "140",az,j,n,n,q, 2 "130",v,al,n, 2 "130",v,al, 2 "127",d,ab,q,n,n,f,bc,r,bk,bg 2 "122",bh,e,ba,n, 2 "121",be,g,w,f,ar, 2 "121",be,g,w 2 "119",m,c,ar,aa,i,bd,az,l,av, 2 A tartan COAT A small TORCH A wooden BOX A short SPADE A bronze KEY Splinters of WOOD A large DIAMOND A tartan COAT (worn) A lit TORCH 2 A large DIAMONDZ} 1 w,j,ad,n,n,n,n 1 w,"You must be seeing things!" 1 w,"You are now in the yard of the farm. There are no animals here at the moment. North and south paths lead to a BARN and a FIELD respectively." 1 w,"This GATE is at the end of the east/west road and leads into the GARDEN of the farm house." 1 w,"The STABLE is rather bare and does not even have the very distinctive odour of a horse. A ladder leads up to a LOFT while a flight of STAIRS leads down into the darkness." 1 w,"The KITCHEN is all white and sparkling. It has the distinct odour of disinfectant." 1 w,"OK.......position SAVED" 1 w,"Having climbed the ladder you are now in what can best be described as an open LOFT. It is more like a large shelf across one end of the STABLE" 1 other key for SAVE to Tape. 1 objects attributes 1 n,"You are in a very tidy BARN. Thefarmer who runs this farm is obviously very proud of his work Or is he?" 1 n,"What next?" 1 n,"This is the front HALL with a small inviting-looking CUP- BOARD in the corner. The KITCHEN is to the east, while NORTH leads to the LIVING ROOM" 1 n,"This is the cosy LIVING ROOM of the farm house. In here you have a strong feeling of being watched by an unseen observer." 1 n,"This is a narrow east/west road but there is also an exit to the NORTH." 1 n,"This DINING ROOM shows no sign of recent use. Perhaps no one has lived here recently. Is this a good omen for you ???" 1 n,"As you open it you hear a quiet voice from the depths of the cupboard saying ""TOSS a BOX froma loft to end this absurdity""" 1 j,n,w,n,n,n,n 1 j,"Start tape, then press any key." 1 j,"For SAVE to bank press B or any other key for SAVE to Tape." 1 j,"For LOAD from bank press B or any other key for LOAD from Tape" 1 j,"Check your INVENTORY!" 1 j," Insert DATA tape, press PLAY then press any key...." 1 cINVENcQUIT 1 b,n,n,ae,ad,n,n 1 any other key for LOAD from Tape 1 ak,af,n,n,aj,n,n 1 aj,n,n,ak,ai,n,n 1 ai,ad,n,aj,ah,n,n 1 ah,n,n,ai,n,n,n 1 ag,n,n,n,n,ac,n 1 af,ab,ak,n,ae,n,n 1 ae,aa,n,af,ad,n,n 1 ae,"You can't carry any more!" 1 ae,"What next?" 1 ae,"Start tape, then press any key." 1 ae,"OK.......position SAVED" 1 ae,"For SAVE to bank press B or any other key for SAVE to Tape." 1 ae,"For LOAD from bank press B or any other key for LOAD from Tape" 1 ae,"Do you want to try again? (Y/N)" 1 ae," No SAVE has been performed so there is no DATA to LOAD!" 1 ae," Insert DATA tape, press PLAY then press any key...." 1 ad,w,ai,b,ac,n,n 1 ad,n,n,"You have with you:-" 1 ad,n,n,"Nothing of interest" 1 ad,n,n,"Nothing at all" 1 ad,n,n,"Here you can see:-" 1 ad,j,n,ad,j,n,ad,j,n,ad,j,n,ad,j,n,ad,j,n,ad,a,n,ad,j,n,ad,j,n 1 ad,j,n,"You have with you:-" 1 ad,j,n,"Nothing of interest" 1 ad,j,n,"Nothing at all" 1 ad,j,n,"Here you can see:-" 1 ac,n,n,ad,n,a,ag 1 ab,n,af,n,aa,n,n 1 aa,n,ae,ab,n,n,n 1 aa,af,n,j,n,n,n,n,n 1 aa,"You really need some light here!" 1 aa,"You are in an open FIELD with EXITS in all directions. It has been turned over in the last few days but no planting has taken place." 1 aa,"This is the very plain GARDEN which consists of mainly lawn and flower beds. It is quite attractive except for a dis- coloured patch of lawn near the GATE, which leads to west." 1 a,n,n,n,n,n,ac 1 a,"You have just fallen into the HOLE which YOU dug and broken your leg!" 1 a,"You can't go THAT way!" 1 a,"You can't carry any more!" 1 a,"You are at the DOOR to the farm house. It is rather sturdy in construction- almost as if the owners had some- thing to hide." 1 a,"Unlike most CELLARS, this one has not become a store for all kinds of rubbish. However in one corner there is a large old-fashioned SAFE with a small bronze LOCK." 1 a,"This is a DEAD END. There was no point in coming here at all" 1 a,"That's not possible" 1 a,"Do you want to try again? (Y/N)" 1 a," No SAVE has been performed so there is no DATA to LOAD!" 1 a loft to end this absurdity" 1 You really need some light here! 1 You must be seeing things! 1 You have with you:- 1 You have just fallen into the 1 You can't go THAT way! 1 You can't carry any more! 1 You are now in the yard of the farm. There are no animals here at the moment. North and south paths lead to a BARN and a FIELD respectively. 1 You are in an open FIELD with EXITS in all directions. It has been turned over in the last few days but no planting has taken place. 1 You are in a very tidy BARN. Thefarmer who runs this farm is obviously very proud of his work Or is he? 1 You are at the DOOR to the farm house. It is rather sturdy in construction- almost as if the owners had some- thing to hide. 1 What next? 1 Unlike most CELLARS, this one has not become a store for all kinds of rubbish. However in one corner there is a large old-fashioned SAFE with a small bronze LOCK. 1 This is the very plain GARDEN which consists of mainly lawn and flower beds. It is quite attractive except for a dis- coloured patch of lawn near the GATE, which leads to west. 1 This is the front HALL with a small inviting-looking CUP- BOARD in the corner. The KITCHEN is to the east, while NORTH leads to the LIVING ROOM 1 This is the cosy LIVING ROOM of the farm house. In here you have a strong feeling of being watched by an unseen observer. 1 This is a narrow east/west road but there is also an exit to the NORTH. 1 This is a DEAD END. There was no point in coming here at all 1 This GATE is at the end of the east/west road and leads into the GARDEN of the farm house. 1 This DINING ROOM shows no sign of recent use. Perhaps no one has lived here recently. Is this a good omen for you ??? 1 The STABLE is rather bare and does not even have the very distinctive odour of a horse. A ladder leads up to a LOFT while a flight of STAIRS leads down into the darkness. 1 The KITCHEN is all white and sparkling. It has the distinct odour of disinfectant. 1 That's not possible 1 Start tape, then press any key. 1 Splinters of WOOD 1 SYSTEM - 1 OTHER OBJECTS 1 OK.......position SAVED 1 Nothing of interest 1 Nothing at all 1 Here you can see:- 1 Having climbed the ladder you are now in what can best be described as an open LOFT. It is more like a large shelf across one end of the STABLE 1 HOLE which YOU dug and broken 1 For SAVE to bank press B or any 1 For LOAD from bank press B or 1 Do you want to try again? (Y/N) 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Check your INVENTORY! 1 COUNT=ak+(MOB*(LL+b)) 1 COUNT=ad+(MOB*(LL+ad)) 1 ADVENTURE r 1 ADVENTURE 1 AD4 1 AD3 1 AD2 1 AD 1 1 ABS MK 3 ZQ 1 ABS MK 3 1 A wooden BOX 1 A tartan COAT (worn) 1 A tartan COAT A small TORCH A wooden BOX A short SPADE A bronze KEY Splinters of WOOD A large DIAMOND A tartan COAT (worn) A lit TORCH 1 A tartan COAT 1 A small TORCH 1 A short SPADE 1 A lit TORCH 1 A large DIAMOND 1 A bronze KEY 1 ;"with DATA for DEMONSTRATION" 1 ;"You have completed your MISSION.": 1 ;"Written for" 1 ;"The selections made for this version were:-" 1 ;"THE CORE BASIC PROGRAM" 1 ;"STOP the TAPE": 1 ;"SCROLL.................B"; 1 ;"Press a KEY to start" 1 ;"Different characteristics have been chosen for the version on other side of the tape"; 1 ;"CONGRATULATIONS": 1 ;"CENTRALISATION.........0"; 1 ;"BRIGHT.................0" 1 ;"BACKGROUND.............WHITE"; 1 ;" IT IS DARK IN HERE ": 1 ;" DEMONSTRATION ADVENTURE " 1 ;" The objective of this short adventure is quite simply to take possession of a large DIAMOND." 1 * * * * ( 1 )="you leave an ugly looking PATCH": 1 )="wide OPEN!" 1 )="throws up a KEY on to the grass.": 1 )="this farce finished!": 1 )="there is no need for that.": 1 )="there IS still something to be": 1 )="the correct word to use with": 1 )="soil rather soft!": 1 )="see a wooden BOX.": 1 )="said for CUPBOARD love!": 1 )="quite, OPEN." 1 )="open it!": 1 )="on the lawn!": 1 )="nothing more.": 1 )="much more sensible!": 1 )="more detail please!": 1 )="like a FRENCH tartan!!": 1 )="it! Pick it up and let's get": 1 )="but recent rain has left the": 1 )="been digging around here.": 1 )="beautiful lawn and your SPADE": 1 )="attached to it!": 1 )="and it breaks as it lands on the": 1 )="and at the moment it is standing": 1 )="and at the moment it is quite": 1 )="a SPADE!": 1 )="You'll need a key to do THAT!": 1 )="You can't go THAT way!": 1 )="You can't DIG here!": 1 )="You are still wearing it!": 1 )="You TOSS the BOX from the loft": 1 )="You ARE wearing it!": 1 )="Why?.....As it is OPEN surely": 1 )="Weren't you becoming quite": 1 )="WOW! You dig a HOLE in the": 1 )="VERY becoming!": 1 )="USE this KEY!": 1 )="There is a HOLE here. TAKE CARE!": 1 )="The door seems to have stuck!": 1 )="The door seems to be jammed.": 1 )="The SAFE opens and inside you": 1 )="The GATE is of poor quality wood": 1 )="The GATE is closed!": 1 )="The DOOR is of substantial wood": 1 )="The DOOR is closed!": 1 )="Surely opening the gate would be": 1 )="Surely not AGAIN!": 1 )="Something falls out!": 1 )="Shan't do that! No I WON'T cos'": 1 )="STABLE floor.": 1 )="OK...You fill in the HOLE.": 1 )="OK...You fill in the HOLE and": 1 )="OK.....but it goes out!": 1 )="OK......but nothing happens!": 1 )="OK......GATE now open.": 1 )="OK......DOOR now open.": 1 )="OK.......but.....SILENCE now!": 1 )="OK.......but why?": 1 )="OK........Torch now off.": 1 )="OK........GATE now closed.": 1 )="OK........DOOR now closed.": 1 )="OK.........TORCH now lit": 1 )="OK............": 1 )="Now just exactly how should I": 1 )="Now just WHAT hole would that be": 1 )="No key will open THIS box!": 1 )="Looks as though someone has": 1 )="Just what you would expect and": 1 )="It's quite a nice little TORCH.": 1 )="It's quite a deep HOLE.": 1 )="It's not on!": 1 )="It's not locked now!": 1 )="It's not QUITE as easy as THAT!": 1 )="It's already open!": 1 )="It's already lit!": 1 )="It's already OPEN!": 1 )="It's ALREADY open!!": 1 )="It resists all your efforts to": 1 )="It looks quite STRONG.": 1 )="It is quite a smart COAT. Looks": 1 )="It has been well looked after": 1 )="How about giving just a little": 1 )="Don't stand around here admiring": 1 )="Don't be so silly!": 1 )="Come on now- surely you know": 1 )="Come on NOW! Pay attention.": 1 )="But, it is already open!": 1 )="But it is not locked!": 1 )="But becoming what?": 1 )="BUT you are NOT wearing it!": 1 )="Apologies from programmer!": 1 "WOOD",ac,"Splinters of WOOD" 1 "TXDMWHIN" 1 "TORCH",a,"A small TORCH","A lit TORCH" 1 "SPADE",aa,"A short SPADE" 1 "OPEN",ae,"UNLOCK",af,"DIG",ag,"LIGHT",ah,"EXTINGUISH",ai,"CLIMB",aj,"DESCEND",ak 1 "OK...But it goes OUT!!": 1 "KEY",ab,"A bronze KEY" 1 "GENBLINT" 1 "DOOR",c,"CUPBOARD",al,"LAWN",am,"STAIRS",an,"LADDER",ao 1 "DIAMOND",ad,"A large DIAMOND" 1 "COAT",j,"A tartan COAT","A tartan COAT (worn)" 1 "CLOSE",c,"TOSS",al,"FILL",am,"LOCK",an,"WEAR",ao,"REMOVE", 1 "CGWHTXIN" 1 "BOX",w,"A wooden BOX" 1 "ASCEND",aj,"SHUT",c,"JUMP",ap,"USE",aq 1 "27","DIG",ap 1 "26","JUMP", 1 "25","PATCH", 1 "21","HOLE",ap,"GARDEN",aq,"FIELD",ar 1 No SAVE has been performed so 1 Insert DATA tape, press PLAY 1 there is no DATA to LOAD! 1 then press any key....